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Unlock Your Financial Freedom

Financial Flow

Sustainable financial abundance and personal well-being

Enroll In Financial Flow

Regulate Your Nervous System 

Increase Your Confidence 

Become A Money Magnet 

Imagine a life where financial woes don't dictate your decisions - where you're driving your business towards abundance with confidence and assurance.

Don't let another day pass where stress commands your financial decisions. The risk of stagnation, or worse, backsliding into deeper financial distress, is a reality for those who fail to take action. 

  • Financial Instability

  • High Stress and Anxiety

  • Lack of Financial Growth

  • Missed Personal Fulfillment

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Skip the endless hours

The Financial Flow Plan – Your Blueprint to Wealth


Start with understanding your current financial mindset and begin reprogramming your nervous response to money matters.


Implement advanced, practical strategies designed to solidify your financial knowledge and transform hesitant decisions into confident actions.


Learn sustainable habits and systems that ensure your financial health continues to grow long after you finish the program.

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I understand the weight of financial stress that you're carrying; it's a burden that too many talented and hardworking individuals, just like yourself, bear silently. 

With over a decade of guiding entrepreneurs to break free from this cycle, I've seen firsthand how transforming your approach to finances can not only revive your business but also bring profound peace and fulfillment to your life. Together, we can navigate this journey towards financial freedom, leveraging proven strategies that have helped hundreds reclaim their joy and success.

Transform Your Business and Finances with Our


Designed to help you overcome money blocks and fear of success:

The Financial Flow is your blueprint to not just survive, but to thrive.

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The Financial Flow Framework is Filled With

Audios to transform your relationship with money 

By harnessing revolutionary techniques like RRT, EFT Tapping, EMDR, Hypnosis, Breathwork, and subconscious breakthrough questions, our program uniquely rewires your brain, transforming you into a magnet for money by shifting deep-seated beliefs and patterns that have been holding you back.

EFT Tapping

EFT Tapping gently recalibrates your energy system, dismantling financial blockages and aligning your mindset to naturally attract prosperity.


RRT swiftly reshapes your financial narrative, replacing fear and doubt with confidence and clarity, turning your brain into a beacon for wealth attraction.


EMDR unlocks and reprocesses subconscious memories related to money, enabling your mind to foster positive financial habits and attract abundance.


Hypnosis accesses your deeper subconscious layers to implant empowering beliefs and success-driven thought patterns, magnetizing money directly to your mindset.


Breathwork releases financial anxieties from your body and mind, creating a refreshing space for abundance and turning your entire being into a money magnet.

Subconscious Breakthrough Questions

By probing deep into your subconscious with breakthrough questions, we unveil and transform limiting beliefs, paving the way for a wealth-welcoming mindset.

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Transformations by our Friends

I joined financial flow because I love Alyssa and I love the techniques that she’s using. I appreciate the fact that she is a licensed psychologist so she knows the in and out of the brain and so I’m just so excited to learn how I can regulate my nervous system, so I can check more income and reach my income goals!


I joined Financial Flow because I have seen such big shifts since working with Alyssa, so I know this program will be really transformative. I can't wait to see how things skyrocket in my life during this program


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What do I get with the Financial Flow Framework 

By re-aligning your nervous system to embrace wealth, you will transition from a state of financial strain and constant work to enjoying higher earnings with fewer hours invested. This transformative journey not only escalates your business success but also enhances your personal well-being and freedom, paving the way for a life of abundance and satisfaction.

Foundations for Transformation:  

This introductory season lays the groundwork by instilling critical financial knowledge and mindset shifts, priming your brain to start its journey towards becoming a magnet for wealth.

The Body

Focusing on the body, this module uses physical grounding and energy techniques to release stored financial stress and anxiety, fostering a physiological state that naturally attracts abundance.

Aligned Thoughts

By aligning your thoughts towards prosperity, this season rewires your brain to focus on abundance, transforming your inner dialogue to one that consistently attracts financial opportunities.

Aligned Feelings

This module dives into the emotional aspects, teaching you to cultivate feelings of wealth and abundance, which are essential for attracting and sustaining financial flow.

Aligned Actions

Aligned Actions translates your transformed thoughts and feelings into tangible steps, programming your behavior to take inspired, wealth-attracting actions in the physical world.

Pulling It All Together

The final season integrates all the transformative work done in previous modules, solidifying your new wealth-conscious mindset and actions to ensure you are a powerful magnet for money and abundance.

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You're Just 3 Steps Away from Transforming Your Business and Finances  

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Sign Up For Financial Flow 

Embark on your journey to financial and business transformation by signing up for the Financial Flow program. This initial step is your gateway to unlocking a wealth of knowledge and tools designed to elevate your financial mindset.

2. Work at your own pace

Upon registration, gain instant access to all program materials, allowing you to progress through the transformative content at your own pace. This flexibility ensures you can deeply integrate the teachings into your life without feeling rushed.

3. Watch the dial move on your results

As you apply the insights and strategies from the program, observe measurable improvements in your business and finances. Witnessing these tangible results will be a testament to your growth and the effectiveness of your newfound financial wisdom.

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What's My Investment?

Change your financial destiny now with a single action. You're just one click away from starting your journey to sustained wealth and well-being.

1 payment of


$200 off this weekend price goes up to $797

  • Foundations for financial mindset transformation
  • Techniques to release financial stress from the body
  • Strategies for cultivating wealth-aligned thoughts
  • Methods to evoke feelings of abundance and prosperity
  • Actionable steps to align behaviors with financial goals
  • Integrative practices to combine all elements for sustained wealth attraction
  • Bonus #1: Lifetime Access
  • Bonus #2: Monthly Group Q&A Calls 
  • Bonus #3 Private Podcast Format 

What about Bonuses?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

Bonus #1: Lifetime Access

Gain unfettered, never-ending access to all program materials, allowing you to revisit and refresh your financial transformation journey anytime

Bonus #2: Monthly Group Q&A Calls

Join exclusive, monthly Q&A calls to clarify doubts, deepen understandings, and connect with a community on a similar wealth attraction path.

Bonus #3: Private Podcast Format

Enjoy the convenience of absorbing the program's wisdom on-the-go with a private podcast format tailored for ease of learning and inspiration.

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Transformations by our Friends

Alyssa!! I am LOVING the audios and figured out a huge block this evening. Your example of the rat experiment got me wondering if my fear is carried over from my 2 grandmas who lived in poverty and were raised on farms during the depression. 
After I listened to “understanding fear,” I did the fear tapping, NEE on fear, the chest release, then the success tapping.  I feel completely different!! That was a perfect combo. It took at least an hour but was so worth it. 
Anyway thank you so much!! This has been life changing so far. 

Thank you so much this has been life changing so far. The body meditations bring tears to my eyes. I thought I'd owe taxes but ended up getting a $1001 as a refund! I needed $1,000 for a deposit for a big trip I've been manifesting. I think financial flow was the missing link.


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What's My Investment?

Change your financial destiny now with a single action. You're just one click away from starting your journey to sustained wealth and well-being.

1 payment of


$200 off When you watch The FREE Masterclass

  • Foundations for financial mindset transformation
  • Techniques to release financial stress from the body
  • Strategies for cultivating wealth-aligned thoughts
  • Methods to evoke feelings of abundance and prosperity
  • Actionable steps to align behaviors with financial goals
  • Integrative practices to combine all elements for sustained wealth attraction
  • Bonus #1: Lifetime Access
  • Bonus #2: Monthly Group Q&A Calls 
  • Bonus #3 Private Podcast Format 

Hi there, I'm Alyssa!

I'm a passionate advocate for mental wellbeing and high-achieving female entrepreneurs. With years of expertise in nervous system regulation, I guide such women to scale their businesses without compromising their mental health. My background is in finance and mental health counseling, which makes me the perfect guide on your nervous system regulation journey to financial freedom.

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Join us inside the program, we can't wait to have you join 

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