Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) Disclosure, Responsibility Statement, & Client Agreement
. I understand that Alyssa Cotten is a licensed counselor but is not licensed to practice in my state, Alyssa Cotten is not a psychologist, therapist, medical doctor, nutritionist or any other medical professional.
. I accept complete responsibility for my emotional and/or physical well-being before, during, and after sessions, and I will instruct others with whom I share these techniques to take the same responsibility for themselves.
. I agree that it is my responsibility to notify my provider and/or psychical prior to using these skills and agree to their supervision if suggested. I will continue to take all medications as prescribed and remain under the care of my physician or therapist for any medical, emotional, or mental condition for which I am currently being treated or believe I may need treatment.
. I will not use these techniques to try to solve a problem where my common sense would tell me it is not appropriate.
. I take full responsibility for what I do with these techniques and will hold harmless Alyssa Cotten or anyone else associated with the techniques, from any claims made by myself, or anyone whom I seek to help. Subject to the other provisions of this agreement, I may use any of the techniques on behalf of others or myself.
. No refunds will be granted for services after they have been rendered. No refunds or rescheduling for no-shows. Rescheduling may be done 24 hours in advance, subject to available openings in the schedule. Partially used packages cannot be refunded. Packages must be used within three months of purchase.
. I understand that my full identity will NOT be disclosed, and all information exchanged during sessions is completely confidential, for the private use of Alyssa Cotten only to assist in sessions.
. I understand that by booking a coaching session or package with Alyssa Cotten, I am agreeing to the above terms. I voluntarily make and grant this Waiver and Assumption of Risk in favor of Alyssa Cotten.